La ciencia ciudadana está transformando el mundo de la investigación, situando a la comunicación como motor del impacto y planteando preguntas sobre sus resultados reales y el potencial de tecnologías disruptivas como la inteligencia artificial.

Este artículo busca comprender cómo las estrategias de comunicación influyen en la calidad e impacto de la divulgación científica en proyectos europeos de I+D+i que emplean ciencia ciudadana e inteligencia artificial. A través de un análisis detallado, se examinan los formatos y canales utilizados, el impacto de las publicaciones científicas y las diferencias en la calidad de los resultados, evaluados a través de indicadores normalizados.

Los resultados se publican en este artículo del Profesional de la Información, "Citizen Science and Artificial Intelligence in Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe Projects: Communication and Scientific Impact" (2024), y arrojan diferencias significativas entre proyectos, destacando la importancia de diseñar estrategias de comunicación estructuradas y adaptadas para potenciar tanto el impacto científico como la conexión con la sociedad. Además, se ofrecen recomendaciones útiles para optimizar las prácticas de comunicación y maximizar el alcance de futuras iniciativas de investigación e innovación.

The Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe framework programs are the key funding programs for the European Union's policy on innovation, research, and development (R&D&I) in all scientific subject areas. These instruments promote open science by using citizen science as a collaborative methodology and artificial intelligence as a disruptive technology, thereby encouraging public participation and engagement in scientific research. This paradigm shift in the scientific landscape is the impetus for this descriptive and exploratory study analyzing the effectiveness of communication policies and the quality of the dissemination and scientific impact of 28 R&D&I projects developed using citizen science and artificial intelligence, which were selected from the Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS) repository. This case study employs a methodological procedure grounded in content analysis and bibliometric indicators to meet four specific objectives: to determine the main formats and channels used in the projects’ communication strategies, as well as which category the projects’ papers fall into; to analyze the effectiveness of the projects’ scientific dissemination using articles published in Scopus according to subject area; to analyze the quality of scientific impact of the 234 articles that the projects produced using the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) indicator; and to evaluate their specific and comparative impact using the standardized indicators Field-weighted citation impact (FWCI) and CiteScore. The findings confirmed that there were substantial differences in terms of the effectiveness of communication and the quality of dissemination and scientific impact among the projects analyzed. In this context, communication science could help efficiently navigate the challenges and opportunities in scientific communication.

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Este estudio examina la interdependencia entre relaciones públicas e inteligencia estratégica en el contexto digital, explorando la transdisciplinariedad de sus áreas de especialización.

Su objetivo principal es verificar las sinergias entre sus corpus académicos para maximizar el impacto de los proyectos relacionales de las organizaciones con sus stakeholders. Para lograrlo, aplica un análisis bibliométrico de la información científica publicada en revistas de impacto internacional indexadas en Scopus (2006 - 2021).

Sus hallazgos se publican en este artículo en castellano de Interciencia, "Relaciones públicas contemporáneas e inteligencia estratégica. Un estudio transdisciplinar desde las áreas de especialización" (2023), que retrata este nuevo campo de investigación interdisciplinar emergente, llamado a convertirse en una oportunidad para el avance científico de las relaciones públicas contemporáneas y su aplicación estratégica en las organizaciones. 


Public relations represents a set of processes to create mutually beneficial relationships, links and strategic alliances between organizations and publics. This strategic role of contemporary public relations is based on strategic intelligence, from the interdependence of public relations with a digital environment. Through this study, a reconceptualization of the discipline is carried out, and its main objective is to verify the relevance and convergence of the connection between the academic corpus of Public Relations and Strategic Intelligence to maximize the impact of relational projects of organizations with their stakeholders. To this end, a bibliometric study is designed based on scientific information in international impact journals indexed in Scopus, during the period 2006-2021. The results conclude that the connection between Public Relations and Strategic Intelligence in scientific production is emerging and pertinent, and a field is identified and relevant, and an interdisciplinary research field is identified, as a preliminary phase, which constitutes an opportunity for the scientific advancement of public relations and its strategic application in organizations.

Es un hecho que la era digital está transformando de raíz la información, la comunicación y la manera de relacionarnos. Más, si pensamos en la esfera pública y todo lo que está acelerando esta pandemia global. 

Este trabajo explora cuáles son los procesos disruptivos que están transformando las relaciones públicas en el universo 4.0 y su conexión con la inteligencia estratégica. Dos disciplinas aparentemente dispares pero con mucho en común. 

De momento, Public Relations Review publica el artículo "Engaging universe 4.0: The case for forming a public relations-strategic intelligence hybrid". El principio de los resultados de una amplia investigación transdisciplinar que está por llegar. 


In this article we follow a range of significant academics, practitioners and policy makers in highlighting the need to engage with the disruptive digital transformation of the fourth industrial revolution. Often called universe 4.0, this is an economy based on data that dilutes, in an unprecedented fashion, the boundaries between the physical, biological and digital world in all spheres of society. In having to face up to the uncertainty, complexity and speed associated with this global challenge, organisations of all kinds will be impelled to rethink future skills, jobs and business models. We focus on how this uncertain situation affects public relations. We suggest that the resulting paradoxes and controversies become an opportunity to research and reflect on the past and present of our discipline and redirect attention to the processes, strategies, and tools of intervention required for improved contemporary and future effectiveness. This present study analyses universe 4.0 processes affecting both the practice and the social function of public relations and argues for close linkages with multidimensional strategic intelligences and disruptive technologies based on artificial intelligence. It also involves conducting exploratory qualitative research based on a bibliometric analysis of specialised literature; undertaking content analysis via computational linguistics techniques; and applying Delphi methodology to consider public relations in universe 4.0. Our findings suggest not only that strategic intelligence is under researched in our field, but that a more developed public relations intelligence capable of adapting to universe 4.0 needs to be a hybrid of existing public relations and contemporary strategic intelligence.


Public relations, Strategic intelligence, Universe 4.0, Disruption, Engagement, Hybridity.

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Repensar las Relaciones Públicas en el actual contexto tecnológico ha sido siempre una de nuestras principales motivaciones. Sin embargo, pensar en Wicked Problems nos permite dar un paso más para reflexionar a partir de las contradicciones y controversias que hoy caracterizan a muchos problemas de comunicación en la esfera pública.

Los wicked problems emergen como problemas complejos con efectos perversos que afectan a todos los componentes de un sistema social, superando la dimensión de intervención de una organización para convertirse en desafíos socio-económicos compartidos sin precedentes.

La disrupción tecnológica actual unida a la necesidad de construir puentes de comprensión entre la ciencia, la tecnología y la sociedad son solo algunos ejemplos de estos desafíos. Un reto que exploramos en este trabajo de investigación con el objetivo de reflexionar sobre la teoría de Relaciones Públicas desde una perspectiva transdisciplinar, crítica y sustentada en su praxis.

Public Relations Review publica el artículo "The transference of theoretical models to productive transdisciplinary intersections in public relations management: Eight case studies addressing wicked problems"con todos los detalles de esta investigación.


This work aims at offering a trans-disciplinary, critical and realistic perspective of the intervention of Public Relations (PR) in Wicked Problems (WP). WPs are complex problems with perverse effects on social issues which affect all the components of the socio-economic system: public and private organizations, their stakeholders and citizens. First, we deeply review the academic literature for analysing the controversy between rhetoric and realistic approaches in WPs management. Later, we present a set of real-world experiences developed from the humble intelligence of PR. In these cases, PR play an important role both, as facilitators of the dialogue between knowledges and ignorances, and by enabling the participation of involved actors, including, in some cases, undergraduate students in PR.

The outcomes of these 8 action research cases share the resignification of PR’s practice and discourse. In addition, all they show evidence that 1) it is possible to go beyond habitus and 2) that PR, from a critical and trans-disciplinary perspective, can serve as a stimulus for collective intelligence and improve social and organizational quality.


Public relations, Wicked problems, Trans-discipline, Dialogue of knowledges and ignorances, Public relation’s intelligence, Resignification.

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Alba Santa. Science Commons. Con la tecnología de Blogger.